This is the Definitive Book For Diamond Grading. It is the key to consistent diamond clarity grading. This is the first book that actually shows you how the laboratories grade diamonds – you see actual graded diamonds, and then read about why the grade was established. No other book so clearly demonstrates visually the difference between clarity grades for everyone! Over 200 photomicrographs, a book that will stand the test of time. Authored and photographed by Gary Roskin. Gemworld International, publisher.
Hairline feathers in a faceted girdle.
This photo is captured at higher than 10x magnification to see the details of the minute feathers. If this were the only visible inclusion characteristic in this diamond, and you could see depth at 10x magnification, then the grade would be VVS. One would need to determine if any of these hairline feathers had greater depth, as seen from above or below the girdle to determine VVS1 or VVS2. If depth could not be seen at 10x magnification, these would be considered remnants of a bearded girdle and qualify for Internally Flawless. They would need to be removed for a Flawless grade.